In today’s digital landscape, there are many aspects of security that are overlooked. Endpoint security and Edge protection are no longer enough to combat the growing cyber threats that organizations face today. In response to these new threats, we’ve developed a new security service that consists of a combination of tools and solutions that strengthens the security footprint of your organization.
Providing mitigation from a security breach becomes much more costly than implementing solutions to prevent breaches from occurring in the first place. We’ve therefore identified key areas in which organizations are lacking and seek to plug these holes in security with the implementation of the included suite of services.
Addressing these areas will have tangible benefits to your organization and significantly reduce the likelihood of a breach occurring. Everything comes together backed by our team of certified security professionals that are involved every step of the way to help your organization become more secure and provide consultancy to help you make the most cost-effective decisions for your organization.
At SigNus we’re committed to continual service improvement (CSI) and are always striving to better the existing services we provide. As such, we will continue to monitor the security landscape and expand our Security as a Service as the need arise. The following pages will detail each aspect of the service. We are always available to answer any questions you may have.